Friday, January 21, 2011

Semester 2 Blog Assignment

The Internet is saturated with a variety of persuasive arguments, and it is now your turn to be sucked into this rhetorical vortex! Follow the steps below to complete the blog assignment for Quarter 3:

1. You will publish 4 separate blog posts (Please label them: Q3 Blog 1, Q3 Blog 2, etc.)

2. For each of your blog posts, write a 400-1000 word argument. The topics are your choice, although as you read the third step, you will understand that each entry will need to have a specific focus. To earn credit, each post must follow the requirements below and each must be about a different topic.

3. In the content of each post's argument, please do the following:

Q3 Blog 1: In your argument, use at least one inductive example
Q3 Blog 2: In your argument, use at least one deductive example
Q3 Blog 3: Construct an argument from character
Q3 Blog 4: Construct an argument that challenges normative ideology

If you aren't sure what there is to argue about, start surfing news sites and blogs and READ!!! If you have nothing to say, you aren't paying attention!!!


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