Friday, October 22, 2010

Blog #6: Working Definitions

Our unit about Definition as a rhetorical mode of development has taught us that there are four general ways in which a writer or a speaker can approach a definition:

Definition by Negation
Definition by History
Definition by Example
Definition by Compare and Contrast

When we define, we explain a term through well-crafted examples and analysis. This is the project you will be tackling for Blog #6. Here are the following steps:

Step 1: Create a New Post with the Title "Blog #6: Working Definitions"
Step 2: Choose a term that you would like to define. Think about words we use in our society that have multiple meanings and contexts. It is fine for you to use a word that is NOT in English, just so that you define it in English! :)
Step 3: Embed an image that exemplifies how your term is defined
Step 4: Publish your post!

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